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Beginner Calisthenics: Build Strength and Endurance.

Calisthenics exercises for beginners are a great way to start building strength and endurance with minimal equipment. These exercises are designed to help you gradually increase your fitness level using your own body weight. 

Here are the top 10 calisthenics workouts suitable for beginners:


1. Wall Push-Ups: This variation is easier than traditional push-ups, focusing on building strength in the chest, shoulders, and arms. Stand facing a wall, place your hands on it, and push your body towards and away from the wall.

2. Incline Push-Ups: Another beginner-friendly push-up variation where your hands are placed on an elevated surface, such as a bench or step, reducing the amount of body weight you need to lift.

3. Bodyweight Squats: Squats are fundamental for developing leg and core strength. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, and lower your body as if sitting back into a chair, then stand back up.

4. Plank: A core exercise that improves stability and strength. Begin by holding the plank position from your knees or forearms if needed, and gradually work up to longer durations.

5. Lying Leg Raises: Great for targeting the lower abdomen and hip flexors. Lie on your back, place your hands under your buttocks for support, and lift your legs up and down without touching the floor.

6. Bench Dips: Use a bench or chair to perform dips that target your triceps. Your hands should be behind you on the bench, legs extended forward, then lower and raise your body by bending your elbows.

7. Jumping Jacks: A cardiovascular exercise that also helps with coordination and leg strength. Start with a moderate pace and increase intensity as your fitness improves.

8.  Static Lunges: Stand with one foot in front of the other, then lower your body until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Alternate legs after each set.

9. Step-Ups: Find a step or low bench, and simply step up and down. This exercise targets your legs and glutes while also providing a cardiovascular workout.

10. Mountain Climbers: Start in a push-up position, then alternate bringing your knees to your chest. This exercise is excellent for building core strength and cardiovascular fitness.

These exercises are scalable, allowing beginners to start with modifications and gradually progress to more challenging variations as their strength and endurance improve. Always focus on maintaining proper form to prevent injury and get the most benefit from your workout.


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